Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pirate birthday party

This morning we went to a 1st birthday party at Mission Bay Park. It was a fun party and a fun park.

Feb. 20

Tonight was a popcorn night.
We don't have a microwave, so I make it on the stove and
then shake the salt and butter on to the popcorn in a brown paper bag.
This is how my mom and dad did it!

Yum!My delivery boy!

Feb. 19

Today I went to Steele Canyon Preschool (Through Grossmont College), where Benjamin had gone last year. I went and took pictures of the children. It is fun for me to have lot's of cute kids to use as subjects and good for them to have new pictures for their yearbook.

Feb. 18

Shadow Hills Park: Lakeside, CA

Feb. 17

Feb. 16

My boys extended Valentines day to Monday. They both went to the grocery store, bought sandwich stuff and laid out a picnic in our living room. Benjamin chose this rose for me. What a wonderful suprise.

Feb. 15

Feb. 14

Happy Valentines Day to my loves. We had a really nice walk down at the J Street Marina. There is a great path near the boats, a fun playground and an area to play in the sand.

Feb. 13th

Today I went and helped in the Kindergarten class. The kids frosted and decorated cookies. They had cupcakes, goodies to help celebrate a little boys 6th birthday and of course some candy. Can you say SUGAR!

Feb. 12th

Ben. You are 5 3/4 and growing so fast. Your beautiful smile lights my heart. I love you.

Feb. 11th

Dressed, Fed and ready for school = time for Super Mario Bro's

Feb. 10th

Aren't bubbles just so fun?

Feb. 9th

My Wild Thing!

Sunday, Feb. 8th

My baking helper....

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Rain, Thunder and Hail

We finally had a REALLY rainy day. There was rain, there was thunder and there was hail. These thrings definitely mean there was a wet boy outside having fun.

It is now 10:45pm and we are still getting rain. I hoping that the rain and cold continues and that Gramma is getting lot's of snow in Big Bear. I really want to take Benjamin up there next week.

Feb. 6th

What can I say. I love to take pictures!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

quick ride

Before the rain started coming down, we tried to get out and go for a walk and scooter ride. It did not last long.

Feb. 4th

He let me do a little photo session in the backyard. Trying to get a cute Valentines Day pic to send to Great Grandma in Ohio. This is one of the goofy ones, but totally him.

Feb 3rd

Another day of being tired and sick.. Make the cough go away!!

Feb. 2

He wanted to..... My cleaner boy!

Feb. 1

Look what Jeff and Benjamin have started ~ another salt water fish tank.

January 31

We went across the street and played some frisbee. He got so excited to actually catch some.

January 30

I love this boy. He makes me smile and laugh every day.

January 29th

January 28th

Homework - He stayed home today sick... What better time to get some of his homework packet done.

January 27th

January 26th

Sickness has hit our house. I was actually so exhausted today, I slept after dropping off Ben at Kindergarten and no pics taken....

January 25th

He wanted a punching bag set up... Came up with the way to do it, the location and then bowed to it after his first session

January 24th - sky

January 23rd

More fun with editting

January 22nd - Magazine Stand

I had pulled this box out of the garage for the recycle can. Tonight Benjamin used it for a Magazine Stand. Note the prices on the front of the store. And yes, really money is necessary to (re) purchase the magazines.

January 21st

We have really been having some beautiful nights. Looking west out our front door.